Free Motion Loops from
Another free motion loops. This time, they're from As usual, they provide low-res video to be downloaded. But if you need better quality, costs you a rationable price of membership. They provide All Access Pass with low annual membership fee.
To download free low-res video loop (in .swf) from, just go to : Just right click - save as any file you need. If you're going to use them as background for presentation software or add them as part of your video projects, you may need a converter from swf. You can try Super. It is powerful and free :)
3 komentar:
aku mau bahasa indonesia.....
aq kagak paham bahasa asing....
salam kenal :)
maksud post ini adalah memberikan link motion loop (video yg diulang2) untuk dipakai background presentasi. kalau anda tertarik, silahkan langsung menuju
biasanya teman2 asing juga butuh info seperti ini.. makanya saya sengaja memakai bahasa inggris. mohon maklum :)
thanks for visit!
kalau nggak ngerti bahasa asing, bisa buka di
Tinggal di translate aja dari English ke Indonesian, walaupun hasilnya belepotan, tapi lumayan gampang di mengerti.. :)
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